We offer discounts and exchanges to those who can contribute to the plugin development. We are looking for:
- Reviewers – (for the Pro and Free versions)
- who can publish articles/videos/social posts about the plugin.
- who can submit testimonials – written statements about the plugin with your photo and name.
- Writers – (for the Pro and Free versions) who write how-to instructions, tips etc.
- Testers – (only for the Free version) who find issues and submit them on the issue tracker.
- Power Users – (for the Pro and Fee versions) who suggest features to implement on the issue tracker.
- Programmers – (for the Pro and Free versions) who develop the plugin.
- Template Designers – (for the Pro and Free versions) who create plugin templates. PHP and CSS coding skills are required.
- Graphic Designers – (for the Pro and Free versions) who create plugin visuals such as a plugin headline image.
- Translators – (for the Pro and Free versions) who can do plugin translations using Poedit.
- Others – possibly something not listed. This is entirely negotiable!