Cooperator Discounts and Exchanges

We offer discounts and exchanges to those who can contribute to the plugin development. We are looking for:

  • Reviewers – (for the Pro and Free versions)
    • who can publish articles/videos/social posts about the plugin.
    • who can submit testimonials – written statements about the plugin with your photo and name.
  • Writers – (for the Pro and Free versions) who write how-to instructions, tips etc.
  • Testers – (only for the Free version) who find issues and submit them on the issue tracker.
  • Power Users – (for the Pro and Fee versions) who suggest features to implement on the issue tracker.
  • Programmers – (for the Pro and Free versions) who develop the plugin.
  • Template Designers – (for the Pro and Free versions) who create plugin templates. PHP and CSS coding skills are required.
  • Graphic Designers – (for the Pro and Free versions) who create plugin visuals such as a plugin headline image.
  • Translators – (for the Pro and Free versions) who can do plugin translations using Poedit.
  • Others – possibly something not listed. This is entirely negotiable!

We Need You

The both free and Pro versions need those contributors. If you can do only for the free version, that’s fine. Depending on the work you do, you’ll receive a discount or full copy of Pro, plus a license. We have a flexible evaluation program for you so that you can freely start or quit contributing at any time you want to.

Cooperator Levels and Contribution Points

There will be mainly four levels of cooperators: Super Light, Light, Medium, and Heavy and these are determined by your contribution points summed up by your activities. What you can receive for an exchange depends on your cooperator level.

Cooperator LevelTotal Required Contribution PointsOffer
Super Light10a n% off discount for a One-site Pro license based on contribution points
Light100a copy of Pro + a One-site license
Medium200a copy of Pro + a One-to-five-site license
Heavy300a copy of Pro + an Unlimited license

As you contribute more, your level goes up and you can receive more valuable returns. For example, if you can do a testimonial for the free version, you can be a light cooperator and receive a copy of Pro, plus a One-site license. If you can do it for the both free and Pro versions, you can be a medium cooperator to get a copy of Pro, plus a One-to-five-site license. If you are a medium cooperator and can translate the plugin, you’ll be able to become a heavy cooperator to receive an Unlimited license.

To start off, post an issue on the plugin issue tracker. Then, you’ll gain 20 contribution points when confirmed, which means you can receive a 20% off discount. At this point, you are a super light cooperator. Another option would be to hep people on the plugin support forum. One solved thread is counted as 10 contribution points. Simply, have 10 threads solved by your help and you’ll become the Light cooperator.

Please remember that the Pro license and contribution points are effective for one year. After one year from the date you gain one of the cooperator levels, your points will be recalculated and contributions older than a year will not be counted. Also, if no activity is committed, your contribution points will be reset to the next lower level’s.

For example, let’s say, if you become a medium cooperator on 4/1/2022 with contribution points of 320 and do nothing till 4/1/2023, you will loose the Pro license at the time of 4/1/2023 so you won’t be able to receive automatic updates after that. At that point, your contribution points will be reset to 200. If you decide to do more again and gain 100 contribution points with some activities, you will become a medium cooperator again.

Cooperator Roles

There are various ways to gain contribution points (hereinafter, this is called “CPs”).

*CP = contribution point


The reviewer role is to post information about the plugin on own or social media such as Twitter, Facebook,, and YouTube etc. or submit testimonials of the plugin.

  • 10 CPs per tweet
  • 10 CPs per short post
  • 20 CPs per medium length post
  • 30 CPs per long thorough post
  • 30 CPs per short video
  • 50 CPs per medium length video
  • 100 CPs per medium length video
  • 50 CPs for a testimonial for the free version
  • 50 CPs for a testimonial for the Pro version
  • 10 CPs for a plugin review


A testimonial requires a written statement of your experience with the plugin, your photo, your name, and a URL or your web site or link to your social media account. It will be displayed on the web page of the product. The length of the writing needs at least 100 words or 600 characters.


The writer role is to publish their writings on owned or social media.

  • 10 CPs per tip
  • 30 CPs per how-to instruction post
  • 30 CPs per documentation page (not on social media)


The tester role is to submit bug reports on the issue tracker of the project repository.

  • 20 CPs per confirmed bug report.

Power User

The power user role is to inform developers of the plugin about what are missing in the current features through the issue tracker.

  • 40 CPs per implemented feature request

Technical Assistant

The technical assistant role is to help plugin users on the support forum.

  • 10 CPs per thread resolved by your help


The programmer role is to develop the plugin by coding.

Template Designer

The template designer role is to develop plugin templates by coding and designing.

  • 100 CPs per released plugin template
  • 50 CPs per updates on released plugin template

Creating a plugin template

To develop a plugin template, it will be easier to modify the example template which runs as a plugin.

Graphic Designer

The graphic designer role is to help improve visual elements used in the plugin and the plugin web sites. It can be the header image of a web page of the plugin web sites or the icon, logo, or banner images of the plugin files etc.

  • 40 CPs per visual element in a published from

As the plugin development goes on, the implemented element might be deprecated and gone. In that case, it will become not to be counted.


The translator role is to translate text messages used in the plugin.

  • 10 CPs for 50 translated items

Translating the plugin

To translate the plugin, follow the steps below

  1. Check if a language file of your language to translate is listed here.
    • If exists, get the .po file of your language. One way is to save the raw version of the page as .po. For example, for German, navigate to this page and save the page as amazon-auto-links-de_DE.po. Or download the entire repository and find the file in the language directory.
    • If a language file does not exist, Open Poedit and from the menu, select Create New, then select the amazon-auto-links.pot file which can be found in the language directory. To get the .pot file, simply save the linked page as amazon-auto-links.pot.
  2. Start translating.
  3. After translation is done, send us the .po and .mo files which will be automatically generated after saving. Or if you are familiar with Git, request a pull on the repository.


Not listed of what you can do? That’s fine! Tell us what you can do for the plugin development as we are always open to negotiation.

Requesting a Discount

If you believe you can do one of those or possibly you have done some of those already, please feel free to apply for the exchange from the form below. We’ll get back to you in Email.

Thank you!

Michael Uno

Request Form

    6 thoughts on “Cooperator Discounts and Exchanges

    1. Walter J. McCreary Jr.

      I’m just a beginner, I think, however I am interested as I constantly multitask. Thanks for the opportunity.
      After reading the above reference. I am very interested and capable to do the Translator (using POEdit) and Reviewer. I can do both the Free Version and the Pro Version. Thanks again.

      Walter J. McCreary Jr.

    2. Luis Claramonte

      Hello, I already bought it for you and I have translated it into both versions if you are interested. tell me something .. greetings

      Hola yo ya te lo compre y lo he traducido a es-ES las dos versiones si te interesa. dime algo..

    3. Carl j Estes

      I think I am more than capable to review and follow instructions and implement the software but I am a beginner with a strong positive will to change my life so I will give it a shot and massive action to get things done.


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